A successful website inspiring people to create amazing spaces in their homes and gardens
2020 + ONGOING
Shopify Website Design | Shopify E-commerce | Digital Marketing

Global brand Keter has been inspiring people to create amazing spaces in their home and gardens for over seventy years. While many of their products have been widely available in New Zealand for over 20 years, they have never had their own website or individual presence from a brand perspective.
For this project, I worked closely with the Keter NZ team to create a website that would not only showcase the wide range of products that Keter has to offer, but at the same time help them establish and build the Keter brand name in New Zealand. Up until this point the Keter NZ were essentially reliant on their local distribution partners when it came to promoting and selling their products. Now they have their own platform that they can utilise to run marketing campaigns and promotions, as well as drive sales for a wider range of products and achieve higher margins on their sales.

"The overall design, functionality and consideration of user experience of this website has played a big part in creating this success"
To date the customer has had a number of sales via the website and a massive increase in their brand awareness. The overall design, functionality and consideration of user experience of this website has played a big part in creating this success, combined with the digital marketing services that we added once the website had gone live.
As well as generating sales via the website the biggest win for the Keter NZ team would be the progress they have made in establishing their brand name in the New Zealand market.
Paul Rohloff Keter NZ Director says, “We’ve had a reasonable amount of sales via our website in a short period of time but getting recognition of who we actually are from a brand awareness perspective in NZ seems to be the main winner for us so far. Our big focus is now on growing this and from the experience of other Keter agents throughout the world, their local website has become a significant part of their sales volumes and ours seem to be tracking well compared to other markets I am aware of.”
The goal for the Keter website was to sell $50,000 worth of product directly to consumers per month, creating a new revenue stream. Since launch and with the uptake of our digital marketing retainer package, we are consistently meeting Keter's sales goals and often far exceeding them.

As with any large e-Commerce catalogue, one of the biggest considerations for this project was designing a layout and structure that would provide easy navigation and make it easy for customers to browse the extensive range.
By getting inside the head of the customer, I figure out how I can make their journey towards the purchase of a product as simple as possible. In this instance, I choose to keep the overall design very clean and simple, using large visuals and clear headings to help direct customers to specific product sections, minimising the number of unnecessary clicks that could detract from a sale.
One important aspect of Keter’s brand message is its approach to sustainability. They have a very clear mandate in regards the design and manufacture of their products to reduce their impact on the environment. As well as creating a very clear section as part of their website that presents this message, I provided the team with some branded assets that they could use to promote and support this sustainability message as part of their marketing.
"I provided the team with some branded assets that they could use to promote and support this sustainability message as part of their marketing"
+ Brand clarity
+ Brand strategy
+ Digital strategy
+ Marketing strategy
+ Digital systems & toolbox
+ Ecommerce
+ Landing pages
+ Digital marketing
+ Google adwords
+ Social media marketing